Saturday, March 23, 2013

Soo, with a few health issues...I decided - well that and I kind of have to - I'm juicing for a while.  I was curious about them.  In the old days of gall bladder issues my mom told me they would make you live off of broth and jello. Yuck...Jello.  I'm doing this with an online meal planner, I didn't purchase any expensive system...cause well...they are expensive.   I thought it would be interesting to blog my experience and maybe keep some of my favorite recipes for snacks and meals on the run.  If anyone reading this has some awesome recipes feel free to share.  I technically won't count today because I'm so tired I've had only one juice which was actually yummy and I could actually get that god aweful spirilina down. Horray to pinapple and peaches! The first 3 days I'm staying clear of most spices, if I feel better I can't wait to get creative with some.  Along with helping said problem, I was reading juicing can take away cravings for processed food, which would also be awesome.

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